
A couple days ago a friend of mine shared this map of europe and naturally came the question: How many dinners could we attend in one day ? It looked like an easy enough graph problem that is certainly NP-hard, so I decided to dive into the problem.

Dinner's time in europe

Problem’s statement

Let say we have a graph $G = (V, E)$ with $N$ vertices. Each vertice $v \in V$ represents a country and holds a tuple $(T_v^B, T_v^E) \in R_+$ the times at which the dinner begins and ends. The edges of our graph hold the travel time between two places, we denote for $u,v \in V, D(u,v) \in R_+ \cup \set{+\infty}$ the distance/travel time between $u$ and $v$.

Graph of the problem

The decision problem we are looking at is stated as follow: For $M$ a natural numbler, is there a simple path $ (v_1 \cdots v_K)$ such that:

  • \(\forall i \in [1, K-1], \, T_{v_i}^E + D(v_i, v_{i+1}) \leq T_{v_{i+1}}^D\) ie. we arrive on time at the next dinner while having left at the end of the last one)
  • K $\geq$ M

If a route does not exist it is encoded by a distance $D(u,v) = +\infty$.


Problem in NP

It is easy to show that this decision problem is actually in NP. Indeed, for a given path $ (v_1 \cdots v_K) $ and $M$, we can check both conditions in linear time with respect to the size of the solution.


Now the hard part. We want to show that this problem is actually as hard as any other problem in NP. To do so we will build a reduction from the Longest Path Problem which is known to be itself NP-complete (hence NP-hard). This problem is about finding the longest simple path in a given graph, you can already see how it can relate to the problem at our hands! The associated decision problem is obviously to decide wether there exists a simple path of lenght greater than $M$.

Let say we have an instance $I$ of the Longest Path Problem, we have a graph $G = (V, E)$, with $N$ vertices and $M$. Let’s build $I’$ an instance of the Max-Dinners problem.

  • We keep the same vertices, so we build $V’ = V$, and for each $v \in V’$ we set $T_v^B = T_v^E = 1$, all the dinners happen instantaneously at the very same time.
  • We keep the same edges so $E’ = E$ and for all $(u,v) \in V’^2$ we set $D(u,v) = 0$ if $(u,v) \in E’$ and $+\infty$ otherwise. If the edge existed in the initial graph we can travel instantaneously through it (so we don’t miss dinner !).
  • And we take M’ = M

Therefore we have $I’ = (G’=(V’, E’), M’)$.

This process describes how to build an instance of Max-dinners from a generic instance of Longest path and the built instance has a linear size with respect to the size of the initial problem. Now we have to show that $I$ has a solution if and only if $I’$ has a solution.

Let’s assume that we have $(v_1 \cdots v_K)$ a solution of $I$. We then have $K \geq M$ and we can note that it’s a simple path. Moreover, we know that $\forall i, (v_i, v_{i+1}) \in E$, therefore by construction we have $\forall i, D(v_i, v_{i+1}) = 0$ and $T_{v_i}^B = T_{v_i}^E = 1 = T_{v_{i+1}}^B = T_{v_{i+1}}$. It is then easy to check that

  • $ \forall i \in [1, K-1], \, T_{v_i}^E + D(v_i, v_{i+1}) \leq T_{v_{i+1}}^D $
  • K $\geq M = M’$

We can conclude that $(v_1 \cdots v_K)$ is a solution of $I’$.

Conversely, we assume that $(v_1 \cdots v_K)$ is a solution of $I’$. Since $G$ and $G’$ shares vertices and edges, $v_1 \cdots v_K$ is a simple path in $G$ too, of length $K \geq M’ = M$. Therefore it’s a solution of $I$.

We can conclude that Max-dinners is at least as hard as Longest path (it’s essentially the same problem as you just saw) and since it’s in NP, it’s NP-complete.

Solution (for those who came here wanting the answer to the question)

In a first version of this article I did not bother to include a solution to the actual problem. After complaints of some friends who don’t give a shit about maths and just want to know which planes to book I wrote down the algorithm and got the solution. The whole code is available on my github. It turned out that even with the concorde we can only attend 4 dinners in one day in Europe.

First I had to build the data:


And the bruteforce algorithm which comes along:

def d(t1, t2):
    return datetime.timedelta(
        hours=distance.distance((t1[3], t1[4]), (t2[3], t2[4])).km / speed

def maxdinners(current_path, left):
    bpath = []
    path = []

    for i in left:
        if len(current_path) == 0:
            path = maxdinners(current_path, left - {i})
            if tuples[i][1] >= tuples[current_path[-1]][2] + d(
                tuples[i], tuples[current_path[-1]]
                path = maxdinners(current_path, left - {i})

        if len(path) > len(bpath):
            bpath = path

    return bpath if len(bpath) > len(current_path) else [i for i in current_path]